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המדריך (הקצר) בעברית לטיפוס Bigwall.
The "Great Roof" of the Nose on El Capitan.

העמק הוא חלום
בחלוף שתי עונות טיפוס ארוכות ביוסמיטי, ואחרי הרבה שאלות של "מה טיפסת ולמה ?" החלטתי לחלוק קצת מה למדתי למה, כמה ואיך. מיועד למטפסים...

Climbing in Wadi Rum - recommended progress ladder of routes.
For many Israelis, the first time we are meeting a real trad - multi-pitch route is in Wadi Rum, undoubtedly a beautiful place with a...

Multi-Day Exploration in Israel
If you have multiple days in Israel, want to take advantage of your time here, see, hear, touch and explore as much as possible, want to...

The Wonders of the Desert Day Tour
A unique character of Israel is its diversity. 2 hours away from Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, a Terra incognita exists, a place where once...

Day Tour to the Golan Heights
Located on the Northeast corner of Israel, on the border with Syria, the Golan Heights stands tall above the surrounding valleys and...

Day Tour to the Galilee Mountains
The rolling hills of the Galilee, dotted with olive trees and tiny villages hundreds of years old, is central to many of the world’s...

Geopolitical Tour of Jerusalem & Samaria
In the media, Israel (and the West Bank) are considered as a dangerous place, a place of war and bloodshed, conflict, constant tension...

Day Tour At The Coastal Cities of Central & Northern Israel
Tel Aviv might be the most well-known coastal city, but there’s so much to see outside of the Israel’s biggest metropolitan area. Just...

Day Tour To The Dead Sea, Masada, And Surrounding Sites
Most people don’t realize it, but the stark desert surrounding Jericho, the Dead Sea, and the Judean Desert is like a huge treasure box...

Day Tour to Jerusalem (and more…)
Just the name “Jerusalem” evokes strong feelings about one of the world’s most complicated and historical cities. Around every corner...
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